Contact Information Cleanup
As you know we are working on improving our communications. To ensure we have one source of the truth, you will be receiving an email from Brother Mike Irwin ( mike.irwin@stcolumbankofc. org ). Please be on the lookout for that email including checking your spam and junk folders.
Call to Action
1. Please verify the current information the Council has on file:
Preferred Email
2. Respond Please (required)Phone (three may be listed (Home, Business, Cell)
Verify that all information is correct
Not any corrections, deletions or additions
Please reply all (all Knights are bcc, so only Mike and I will receive your questions or returns). Rest assured, your data/information is safe with the KofC and will only be used for the purposes of our Council, nor will it be shared with anyone.
Vivat Jesus!
John McCahan, Grand Knight
St. Columban Council 13813
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