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Fall Blood Drive

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Fall Blood Drive

Event Summary

Oct 3, 2023
Blood Drive Graphic

Hello All,

Good afternoon!  To all our friends in Christ, I'll keep this note brief.  Our annual Fall blood drive with UC Hoxworth at St. Columban is Tuesday, Oct. 3rd from 12-6pm EST.  We will be in the St. Kevin and adjoining rooms in our undercroft, as usual.  We have 145 slots we can fill for life-saving blood donations and registration is open!

You'll be seeing more in our Sunday Mass bulletin and in Sept. at Donut Sunday.  Feel free to reply to me only here if you're able to sign up and I will get you entered and confirmed into our donor portal.  If you have access to our donor portal you can now sign up for our 10/3 blood drive (here).

Hoxworth likes to see 55 donations for a successful event.  In May, we amassed 95!  Last year, 2022, our drives were 105 and 72 donations, respectively.  Would love to get us over the 100 mark again and as you know, we'll be serving our Lord and helping our fellow Christians and community members.

Again, please reply to me only and thank you!

God Bless,



Phillip Miele

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